Finished another base of Phalangites and Hypaspists (both are Foundry miniatures) and a base of Scythian horse archers. The Scythians are from Vendel and are really nice sculpts, I probably didn't do them justice. The Scythians were the only thing I needed to complete an Imperial Alexander BI army.
Not sure what I'm going to do next, I think I'll either do a unit of light cav and more Phalangites or maybe some Persian skirmishers for the Antigonos and Demetrios list. Or maybe I'll do my pair of Dumbos. We'll see.
Last Tuesday's game of AWI Battle of Saratoga made me think what my long term plans are. I'm eventually looking to do some 6mm but I'm not sure what period to do. The AWI game really peaked my interest and I'm kind of leaning in this direction. Anything 20th century doesn't appeal, Napoleonics are just intimidating, Medieval doesn't really float my boat and Ancients is probably the only other period that would interest me. Hmm, not sure.